
Protect What Matters

Reduce risks by optimizing your compliance and eDiscovery workflows with our enterprise archiving platform

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Ensuring Accountability

Pagefreezer solutions are used to address the following business needs


Meet data recordkeeping requirements in sectors like government, financial services, healthcare, education, and public safety.


Automate the collection of online data, simplify the early case assessment, and review of this dynamic content.


Gather evidence from websites, social media, and online platforms to generate defensible copies for use during legal matters.

Enabling the Pursuit of Justice

Pagefreezer’s social responsibility program aims to protect integrity online. We work with nonprofits across the globe to make the Internet a safer place to communicate and collaborate.

See How It Works

Pagefreezer is the ultimate archiving solution for Legal and Compliance teams. See how it streamlines workflows, reduces recordkeeping complexity, and saves you time.

Show Me How it Works


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+44 20 3744 7173

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+61 (07) 3186 2199

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