Pagefreezer for
Public Safety
Monitor the Conversation.
Protect Your Reputation.
Record All Interactions.
Monitor, Moderate, and Archive Online Conversations
Online channels like social media represent a great opportunity for public safety organizations to engage with the public and share critical information, but it also introduces certain challenges. Public safety tends to see some of the highest levels of online engagement in the entire public-sector sphere, so properly managing this constant two-way stream of information can be difficult. What do you do when you have 300,000 Facebook followers and every post receives hundreds of comments?
With this in mind, law enforcement, fire service, and emergency management need a way to monitor online conversations for inappropriate behavior and capture all content in real-time so even deleted content is archived. Whether it’s an agency deciding to delete someone’s profanity-laden comment or an external user removing their own incriminating message, having access to deleted content can be immensely useful. Not only is this important for compliance with open records laws but it also helps in creating an open and inclusive public forum, and ultimately, a safer and more close-knit community.
Sentiment Analysis for Smart Alerts
Pagefreezer also offers an artificial intelligence feature that notifies users only of particularly negative comments. It can scan records to identify and classify writers’ emotions, which allows Pagefreezer to only send alert messages when the writer has a negative sentiment, and not when a comment is neutral and requires no immediate response.
A good example is COVID-19. Keyword notifications associated with this term are almost certain to return lots of comments that do not require any action. By analyzing a writer’s sentiment, it becomes much easier to filter out irrelevant content and focus only on those negative comments that need to be addressed quickly.
“The time Pagefreezer gives us to focus on more impactful work and the level of organization that it brings to our archives are great, but the peace of mind it offers is probably the biggest benefit. We know that the police department is protected and that we can provide the necessary evidence for every decision we make on our social media channels.”
— Thomas Sullivan, Fort Worth P.D.
Case Study
Fort Worth Police Department: A Move from Manual to Automated Social Media Archiving
Pagefreezer assists public safety agencies in tackling the following critical challenges:

Increasing Openness and Transparency
Open Records Laws require agencies to keep records of online data and provide access upon request. But organizations should not be aiming to merely comply with regulations—they should be adopting best practices and offering true transparency. The best way to do this is to make all archived social media data available to the public through a portal.

Monitoring and Data Loss Prevention
Do you know exactly what people are sharing on your social media channels and what they’re saying about your agency? Organizations should be monitoring conversations on social media and enterprise collaboration platforms to ensure compliance with communication policies and prevent data loss.

eDiscovery & Litigation Readiness
Website, social media, mobile text, and enterprise collaboration content is increasingly forming part of the eDiscovery and litigation process. Because of this, organizations need to be able to capture, preserve, and eventually present this data in a defensible format that complies with legal rules of evidence.

Improve Information Governance
Ever-evolving online data sources can create endlessly-streaming records that are outdated almost as soon as they are collected. Organizations need to take ownership of this data and ensure that they capture, archive, and eventually dispose of all this information in a secure and responsible fashion.
Pagefreezer Recordkeeping Solutions
Pagefreezer allows public safety agencies to monitor, collect, and archive the following online data:
Website Content
Our technology archives complex, dynamic websites. We collect full metadata, adding digital signatures and timestamps to every page.
Social Media Accounts
Thanks to API integrations, we monitor and archive major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter in real-time.
Enterprise Collaboration Platforms
With our comprehensive archiving solution, you can monitor and archive enterprise collaboration data from platforms like Workplace from Meta and Microsoft Teams.
Mobile Text Messages
Whether you utilize employer-issued or BYOD phones, we archive mobile text messages to ensure compliance.
See how Pagefreezer can help your agency
Get in touch with us to learn more and see Pagefreezer’s solutions in action.

Have more questions?
Contact us at +1-888-916-3999 or
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#500-311 Water Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1B8
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Van Leeuwenhoekpark 1 - Office 5
2611 DW, Delft
The Netherlands
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+44 20 3744 7173
Australia Office:
+61 (07) 3186 2199