
Enterprise Collaboration Monitoring and Capture

Monitor for data loss and inappropriate content.

Collect and review records for ECA and litigation readiness.

Stay compliant and meet recordkeeping requirements.

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See which solution is right for you:

Monitoring Solution

Built for HR and IT teams.

Monitor your collaboration platforms for inappropriate or sensitive information with Pagefreezer’s extended text pattern monitoring.

HR and IT teams can: 

  • Select pre-canned text patterns that instantly add large sets of words
  • Save time with extensive libraries that include profanity and offensive language; phrases related to public safety and threats of violence; and common sensitive info such as passport, healthcare, and banking numbers
  • Receive instant alerts whenever flagged content is posted. 
  • Cut through the noise by leveraging sentiment analysis to identify and flag only negative messages.

Legal Solution

Built for Legal and eDiscovery teams.

Automate the collection and preservation of enterprise collaboration data with Pagefreezer.

Legal teams can:

  • Add users and groups to the Pagefreezer dashboard and then instantly view a live replay of all content
  • Use advanced search to deliver relevant content across all archives, accounts, direct conversations, timelines, and groups
  • Select relevant content, add comments, and export files to local servers
  • Export data to file formats such as PDF and CSV. Records are time-stamped and signed with a SHA-256 digital signature. Place users and data on legal hold to prevent deletion

Compliance Solution

Built for Compliance and Information Governance.

Meet stringent recordkeeping rules in highly-regulated sectors. Pagefreezer offers a complete solution for the recordkeeping of enterprise collaboration content.

Compliance teams can:

  • Archive groups, timelines, and direct conversations
  • Capture all changes, including edits to posts and deletion of comments
  • Export data to file formats such as PDF and CSV. Records are time-stamped and signed with a SHA-256 digital signature
  • Set up a public portal or public-access link to share content with external parties
  • Set data retention periods that align with the existing policies of your organization

Book a demo to see how you can effortlessly meet monitoring, litigation, and compliance obligations.

Learn More About our Solutions for Different Platforms

Having a complete record of all enterprise collaboration conversations allows us to easily investigate if there’s a claim of inappropriate behavior. If there’s an accusation, we can pull those records and verify. Even if a comment or conversation has been deleted, we can still find it in the archive.

– Mike Carter, Senior Technology Coordinator, Southwest West Central Service Cooperative

White Paper: The Rise of Enterprise Collaboration Networks

Businesses have capitalized on the benefits of social media as a flexible communications method in advertising, branding and customer service. But what are the information governance implications of these popular platforms?

Case Study: Risk Management of Enterprise Collaboration Data at Scale

See how Pagefreezer assisted a leading financial institution with the secure enterprise collaboration archiving of data for 80,000 employees.

Learn About our Other Products

Website Archiving

Archive your website and see chronological versions of all edited web pages. Easily compare different versions and export data in defensible formats.

Social Media Monitoring & Archiving

Monitor social media accounts to prevent inappropriate behavior and curb data loss. Capture and preserve all social media activity in a defensible format.

Mobile Text Message Archiving

Archive all mobile text messages on employee devices. Solutions are available for both employer-issued phones and BYOD scenarios.

Start Archiving Your Enterprise Collaboration Platform

Get in touch with us to learn more and see Pagefreezer’s enterprise collaboration network archiving in action. 

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