
Pagefreezer Preservation Edition for Workplace by Meta

Preserve and access your Workplace communication records for legal and compliance purposes

Preserve all messages, reactions, and replies per your retention schedule.
Easily search, access, and produce records anytime — without IT.
Create defensible records to prove compliance and prepare for litigation.

Why Archive Workplace from Meta?

Workplace by Meta is sunsetting and will go into read-only mode on Sept 1, 2025. By June 1, 2026 all instances of Workplace will be deleted.

Not only do you need to preserve these communications according to your organization’s retention policies, but in order to meet compliance requirements and ensure legal defensibility, your Workplace records need to have timestamps and associated metadata to prove their authenticity.

That’s where Pagefreezer Preservation Edition for Workplace by Meta comes in. Get peace of mind and preserve all your Workplace records in a compliant, easily accessible, legally defensible archive for the duration of your retention policies — without significant IT involvement.

Access Workplace Records Anytime

With Pagefreezer, all of your Workplace by Meta records are:

  • Accessible and searchable by keyword, username, hashtag, and date range
  • Displayed in original Workplace format with comments, replies, and reactions
  • Easily collected into case files and placed on legal hold for compliance or legal needs
  • Exported with relevant metadata and digital signatures to prove authenticity

Get started in just 10 minutes. Pagefreezer’s Workplace integration lets us directly capture Workplace data, preserving information about posts, channels, users, published dates, and more — with all metadata included.

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Pagefreezer empowers legal teams with automated collection and preservation of enterprise collaboration data, helping them meet Workplace from Meta eDiscovery requirements.

  • Use advanced search to find relevant content across all archives, accounts, direct conversations, timelines, and groups
  • Instantly select relevant content, add comments, and export files to local servers for eDiscovery purposes
  • Export data to file formats such as PDF and CSV with time-stamps, a SHA-256 digital signature, and associated metadata
  • Place users and data on legal hold to prevent the deletion of crucial evidence


Compliance departments and information governance professionals can rest assured that they have complete records of all Workplace data to both show compliance with recordkeeping regulations and fulfill information requests submitted by internal stakeholders. With Pagefreezer for Workplace, teams have access to:

  • Complete enterprise collaboration archives with full audit trails, versioning, digital signatures, timestamps, and metadata
  • Records that are presented in their original conversational format, for ease of reviewing for relevance.
  • Advanced search features for finding information relevant to audits and other compliance matters.


Pagefreezer automates the secure capture and preservation of all Workplace data, including deleted records with our Workplace integration. With Pagefreezer for Workplace, IT departments can:

  • Save time with automated, direct capture of all content through our Workplace integration
  • Keep an archives of records that are presented in original format. No need to recreate records from HTML or JSON files.
  • Easily secure data with enterprise-level platform security
  • Meet all data privacy and security requirements
  • Easily respond to records requests from HR, Legal, and Compliance departments

Case Study: how a banking giant handles Meta archives

See how a multinational banking and financial services organization with over 90,000 employees used our comprehensive, automated archiving solution to:

  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations across the US and Canada
  • Increase efficiency through exceptional UX, search, and organization features

Start Archiving Workplace from Meta

Get in touch with us to learn more and see Pagefreezer for Workplace in action.

Schedule a Demo


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